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Tuesday 25 February 2014

Speccy 1.25.674 Full Version Free Download

Speccy will give you detailed statistics on every piece of hardware in your computer. Including CPU, Motherboard, RAM, Graphics Cards, Hard Disks, Optical Drives, Audio support. Additionally Speccy adds the temperatures of your different components, so you can easily see if there's a problem!

Processor brand and model
Hard drive size and speed
Amount of memory (RAM)
Graphics card
Operating system
At first glance, Speccy may seem like an application for system administrators and power users. It certainly is, but Speccy can also help normal users, in everyday computing life.

If you need to add more memory to your system, for example, you can check how many memory slots your computer has and what memory's already installed. Then you can go out and buy the right type of memory to add on or replace what you've already got.

Title: Speccy 1.25.674
Filename: spsetup125.exe
File size: 4.62MB (4,845,384 bytes)
Requirements: Windows XP / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64 / Windows8 / Windows8 64
Languages: Multiple languages
License: Freeware

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